The Blood for Justice!

One bright summer morning, the whole of human souls assembled at the bank of river righteousness reflecting on the crimes of sin, the pangs of death, which came from the devilish manipulations of the wicked adversary, and laboriously cried out to the universal Truth for succor. There was the resounding hush to the deep hole of any hope left in the human soul.
However, the Almighty in His merciful ways knew before the foundation of the world, when humankind disobeyed His wise order at the station in Eden, the consequence of untold pains and cruelty that would befall mankind. Therefore, in His opulent magnanimity and concise uprightness, His love for His creation would not be left in the hands of the wicked decay amassed in the polity of the adversary. Perfection cannot be replaced with disgrace, neither is this Personality of Honor would be swung to piles of defeats and repressions. In His courtyard of eternal prudence and fairness, the wailing from the soul of humankind received the credible and exact accord to mercy and reconciliation, delivered conclusively on the Cross.
Here comes the blood. The blood of Christ Jesus. The sinless blood. The blood of life. Oh…how could the world really see the depth of carnage, darkness, and wickedness the human soul was placed by the enemy of mankind? That is, how can anyone compensate for the blood, who paid the complete ransom for sins of the world, which was the bedrock that made the human soul free from the callousness of sin and death? How can we really appreciate this utmost, irreplaceable and unfailing kindness? How can we qualify or quantify this immeasurable gift of forgiveness and uplift that pulled us away from the stealth of no return of the enemy, but has now brought us into the stately presence of worthiness and reality, if not for the mercies of God that never cease. This is mansion of amazing Grace! There are things just beyond human comprehension, which methodically, the human mind cannot come near in dare comparison to God’s ways and perfection. There are things in human “colorful” minds always stirring people away from the reality of life in His fulfilling love for us, but willfully spinning human focus to trivial, mean, gut-churning, and foul issues, which clouds and distort the soul from the enrichment encased in eternal truth and happiness only God gives.
Here is the deal! The enemy of humanity saw the grand scope of God’s desire to fill the human soul with happiness, peace, lofty progress and life. In this genuine package of wholeness from God into human life, this turned out to be the ugly sore, pain, and agony in the rotten core of the enemy. What did it do next? It was to use deception, which it still does till today, by throwing the wicked ploys of lies, corruption, wickedness and other callous agendas into human lust and pride, at the end rid humankind of the joyfulness of life.
Why? The enemy is the dead decay spirit, meaning it does not have life, cannot give life because it hates life, is contaminated and counterfeit or sham in nature, with every serious intent to always fight against truth and light. This spirit is cancerous and feeds on blood, both of humans and animals. However, the human blood is its highest pay check and operational appetite that keeps its regime relevant and gives it upgrade. The reason, you find all kinds of wickedness in the hearts of some people by killings, violence, murder, hate, vicious tendencies to others without recourse or as sacrifice to obtain their egoistic thrust on ritualistic accolades or desires. The submission to this power usually draws up dubious covenant arrangement, which eventually has its negative price on such recipients, by having lack of inner peace, integrity, and fulfillment, and in the long haul their lives are sucked in because the route to the so-called goal is against the love of life and God. These were the pictures God knew and saw in the cruel nature of the beast, and salvation became a necessity in due course to bring humankind back to the place of contentment, eminence, and life. This was the eternal arrangement for justice on sin and death, through this means elevates humankind into the realm of victory and the heirs of godly promises.
Hence, through the everlasting peace and comfort by the blood of Christ Jesus on the Cross of Calvary through death with His sinless blood, humankind was revived, restored, and regenerated into peace, victory and godly promises again. The sinless blood of Christ Jesus was perfect in purity because He came directly from God by putting on human form as man (Immaculate conception). The perfection of purity in His blood is the Consciousness of life, who is Spirit. This Consciousness is the life in the blood, who gives life to the soul and flows into the human body. Thus, when the Scriptures says to us, God is Spirit, the message to take home here is, He is the Supreme Consciousness of purity, the Holy Bible calls Holy, Love and Truth, and leads more by telling us God is Holy, and we should be holy as He is. In other words, this Consciousness of purity was the life in the human person of Christ Jesus, hence His blood was without sin, meaning He was Holy as God the Father, and One with Him in Spirit of Glory, as the Word, the divine Righteous. This was the reason His sinless blood was necessary to atone for sin. That is, to pay the perfect ransom for sin and then reconcile the human soul back to God, as it was before the spiritual contamination from the dead spirit that put the human soul in bondage and slaughter.
Therefore, His noble responsibility was the Holy order (Ordained) to die as “the Lamb” of God for humankind with His sinless blood as atonement for sin, and through His resurrection and ascension to Glory, gave us the everlasting peace and victory over sin and death in His name through the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us as seal to the new covenant, which makes us the household of God.
Now, here is the insight from the Throne. By His human body, He was made human like us because He slept, ate, felt, cried…the reason the Scriptures calls Him the Son of man; meaning the divine or ordained sacrificial representative for humankind. However, His divine soul was pure and Spirit, who healed, walked on water, fed thousands…without sin or who was perfect in thoughts and actions, hence was referred to as the Son of God or the Anointed One (Spirit), who is Christ. The human and divine natures were both in Him as One because He was the Savior or Messiah directly from the Throne of Grace, who brought godliness and immortality to light, called eternal life. Moreover, His physical presence to the world confirmed to all that nothing is impossible with God, from where humanity now have this privilege of the hope of God’s Glory, thus making us the divine nature of God in Christ Jesus. Additionally, His presence showed to the world, all physical and spiritual existence are from God, connected and subject to His sovereign reign into eternity.
Reconnectively, the sins of humankind were very immense on Him because the wages of sin is death. Therefore, in His death on behalf of the whole world, all sins were placed on Him, this led Him in death to move straight into the chiefest abode of the spirit of death, encountering the direct and fierce battle in the darkest of darkness with this shameful and wicked head of the adversary and its cohorts. This spiritual fight of values versus vices was basically on two main fronts. First, this was the brawl in the trenches of life over death, and second, the justice of love over sin, or of sinlessness over sin forever. We must not take this lightly! That is, when this fierce battle beyond measure was taking place in the spiritual dungeon of the enemy, the whole of humankind was busy sleeping in the comfort of human awards. In that frightful darkest of darkness with the gravest of the enemy’s weapons out to subdue this Counselor of humankind, arose the Consciousness of purity in the divine body of His death and because Holiness (Sinless) was light, brighter, and was from the power of the Throne, who is Spirit and stronger than darkness, He overcame bodily in resurrection as the firstborn from the dead.
Thank You Lord Jesus Christ, Glory to You Abba Father!
The eternal mistake the enemy made was the assumption that in its domain, all things were under its corrupt and oppressive rule. Absolutely wrong, God is power over all things in love. That is, to reiterate, in this fierce battle to hold Jesus Christ body down in death by the adversary was not possible because the purity, sinlessness of the Consciousness in His divine soul, who is the Spirit and Holy, crushed, defeated the head of the enemy and rose from that battle in triumphant strides by calling on others held in captivity to cover up with His blood, believe in His word, and the Covenant of His peace as our salvation. Hence, with His blood as the price or atonement for our sins, the grace of life was brought anew from death and presented to humankind after His resurrection and ascension as free gift, making those who believe as born again of the Spirit of God. His blood was the complete cleanser and assurance to all humanity that sin and death had been placed under the reign of the Shepherd of our souls, through faith in His death, resurrection and ascension into Glory for our victory, eternal life, and fulfillment. That is, without offering His blood on the altar of God through the eternal Spirit, there would never have been any means of human souls coming back to God, and no hope of having any glorious relationship with Him. The altar of God simply means the presence of His Throne, where we bring spiritual services such as prayers, offerings of thanksgiving, and praise in honor of His Glory. This altar was never contaminated when sin was in humankind, but access to this Holy presence was restricted to human service until this unchangeable Priesthood, the Way, who is Christ Jesus opened the door, restored hope, and love into human soul through His holy and sacrificial offer once, and for the redemption of the humankind forever. He became the surety and consecrated body, who removed the veil of sin and brought us the Glory by the Holy Spirit. This is the reason we now have direct access to the Throne of Glory individually by His Spirit, as He is our righteous Advocate in Heaven, and no more short of the Glory of God because we are now new creations in Him, with His newness of life in Spirit is our true inheritance in His Holy name. Therefore, our old sinful, dead lives and ways were nailed to the Cross and have passed away. All hail… because He rose bodily from the dead for our victory!
Thank God for His unspeakable riches and steadfast love renewed every morning into our lives and families in the name of Christ Jesus, who is Lord and Keeper of our souls by the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God the Father…Amen!