Dialectics on Hope and Courage

Hope and courage are not two weightless statements from megaphones with wings flying without direction in the air. Neither are they smokes that filter through human fists drifting seamlessly from grips by mixing up with the unseen particles in the air. Rather, these two inseparable virtues are concrete, living and ever-sustaining resources or values given to us from God through the resurrection of Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. They are like identical and purposeful twins always pushing to the noble direction for fulfilled promise. They always engage in the tireless fight to show light where there is darkness and to bring such marks of diligence and support, where there is lack of mercy, loyalty, and true friendship. The hope of God is the infinite creative capacity of turning human void into living comfort and value-added provisions through the heart commitment to the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It is the birth from the Throne into the human focus, by moving our attention from self-clampdown and exalting challenges into the vast and unstoppable benevolence as receivables of possibilities to His Glory. Hope from God destroys shallowness, jealousy, bitterness, stress, laziness, bias and above all, emptiness in the soul. This is the seed from the word of God sown into the Holy Spirit, and then released into the heart that bears good fruits for today and tomorrow. Courage on her part, picks up the thread from hope by taking up the resources or to make sure without submitting to deceitful, digressive devices by passionately pulling the strings for the vision received from hope is workout for the fulfillment to life. Put in workable digestion, hope is the architect and courage is the master-builder. Courage is the armor from hope to navigate towards the genuine agenda with the only support mode called, wisely daring to act. The reason being that the resurrection life of Christ Jesus bodily from the dead did not leave any diabolical curse against humankind unturned or unsettled, but joyously perfected everything for the victorious and glorious reign of His righteousness or uprightness to us once and forever. Thus, propping us to harness these through the mighty workings of the Holy Spirit. Actually, to allow this message to self-drive us home is to declare that hope and courage never fails because they are in and from the residence of the Holy Spirit, who is the Crown of eternal power and is the fullness of God. The Holy Spirit is the valid and unrestrained permission into the hope of God’s glory forever to us in Christ Jesus. Hope and courage are the light of the true Spirit in the soul, who always channels the heavenly vision into living realities by faith in Christ Jesus. This is boldness if we wish to humbly simplify it, arranges the volumes of attempts on any vision with the nerves of never to give up, never to stoop down, and notably, never to block by blinding the soul from connecting to truth and love in Christ Jesus. For the reason that His resurrection and bodily ascension as One into Glory is the complete assurance or guarantee of our unity in Spirit in the bond of God’s holiness and infinite integrity over all things both in spiritual and physical realms into eternity.
Dance to anywhere anyone wants to, scream from the highest and most luxurious building in the world with the loudest speakers; without the move of the Holy Spirit in us and through us, the mesmerization of human zeal and efforts will never get anyone to the promises of God. This is the place and presence of eternal victory and gratitude to human fullness ordained in His righteousness, and comfortably sealed in our relationship with His covenant of peace, and suitably inhaled into the soul to those who would embrace the truth of God. This is the truth, who makes us free from the clutches of hopelessness and arrogant pollution, by molding us as highly favored, privileged, anointed, credible, and chosen divine hosts to enjoy and respectfully reflect the fulfilling blessings from our Sufficiency, who is God in Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. Gracefully, this is the refreshing testimony of God’s hope to us and His amazing warmth over us in the mighty name of Christ Jesus.
Jesus is alive as Lord forever…Amen!