Vision and Integrity

Life is not a gamble because it is the precious gift that keeps giving comfort and promises in and out, when the connection to the Truth of God is the full weight in the human heart. Life is not a gamble because the core meaning of life comes from two main factors. These are first, the vision in the soul and the integrity of the soul. Other factors such as responsibility, service, resources, and support are rooted from these main two. The vision in the soul could be divine or not, meaning humanly cultivated. However, where there is no vision at all, then the soul is rendered helpless or weak to the things that life offers and most times, becomes just a piece of the floating particles in the air. The vision in the soul has different layers, which are determined by the extent the soul is ready to accommodate and the hefty tasks necessary to accomplish them or not. When the soul determines and connects to the vision that is expansively aligned with grand possibilities, then that would set the magnitude of the vision and dogged acumen to see it to fruition.

On other hand, the integrity of the soul is concerned with the underlying virtues that makeup the soul. This is talking about the fibers or threads of the soul. Is it structured with the clarity of innocence and courage of finesse, or with the stem of callousness and blood thirst companionship? Is the integrity in the soul geared towards the common good of humanity or towards the reduction of humanity’s worth? By responsive and detailed respect, the fibers of one soul come from the goodwill of truth, and the other from the attached attention to deceit and misery. However, when these two (Vision and integrity) are lined up with the power of truth and in the pursuit to expand the worthiness of the human condition through the objective use of other factors aforementioned, then the resounding victory cannot be stopped, only time becomes the bargain. The reason being that those other variables are available to necessarily work for the attainment of human vision embedded in the integrity of the soul. Those factors and the consciousness of existence only respond to the beck and call of vision and integrity of the soul because they optimally want to enjoy the best value of their essence based on those two.

When God set in motion the activity to save the world through Christ Jesus. The action was not with compromise but was the full release of compassion and holiness that came from Him and in Him through Christ Jesus. The divine action was the full testimony of salvation through the Anointing, who became flesh through the noble Person called Christ Jesus. Of note is that the godliness of Christ Jesus was not formed when He came to earth, but was before in Glory as One with God the Father, even before the creation of the world. The Anointing that became the living, divine revelation of Eternal Glory was the fullness of the vision of salvation to the whole world with the unblemished integrity of Jesus Christ being without sin, which is the holiness of His grace. These two factors in Him, the Anointing or vision, who is Christ as the Savior of the whole human soul, and His holy integrity as without sin brought about the greatest noble assignment to humankind forever in salvation. We would not fail to mention some of His actions, such as feeding thousands with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, not from the ones He kept somewhere with His disciples but from a lad in the crowd. How, He instructed two of His disciples to the next town to bring the colt, He rode on into Jerusalem. What about turning water into wine? Those pots were already there, all He did was to order them to be filled with water and spoke, which turned them to wine. The message here is that the factors of vision and integrity would wake up and challenge other factors, like service and resources to work for the good of human existence.

Nelson Mandela had the vision of freedom for his people with the unmatched integrity of truth and courage in his soul. All the factors of service, support and resources moved towards the realization of the agenda. Steve Job had the vision to revolutionize communication through phones, which gave birth to the smartphones that have now placed information in the world on our fingertips. Mohammed Ali saw his vision as the greatest boxer of all times with the integrity of standing up against racial injustice, and all resources worked towards the realm of fulfilling that goal. What about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Thomas Edison (Light bulbs), Tim Barnes Lee (www- world wide web), Margaret E. knight (Paper bags), John Logie Baird (Television) Alfred Noble (Atomic bomb), Mahatma Gandhi of India, and a host of other visionary inventors, innovators, and leaders in human history.

God asked Abraham as far as his eyes could see, He would give Abraham the land. That means, if his vision could see beyond his physical location into generational landmarks, then the promises would be fulfilled. This was matched with Abraham’s soul integrity of faithfulness or obedience to God. These eventually steam-rolled other resources to manifest Abraham’s great blessings as the father of many nations.

Now, divine vision and integrity in the soul are marked with one special difference from non- divine. That is, the divine vision comes from the reign of Truth of God and is mostly expressed with the tool of the Spirit, with the clear intention to broaden love, peace, comfort and eternal prosperity to the soul of humanity as the primary field of interest. This also sets the foundation for all other human activities and actualizations in existence. While the non is done with the capacity of the human mind that is contaminated with pride by seeking to give all credit of life to humans by rejecting the place of God. Even with their rejection of God, those inventions serve humankind and are distinctively used to sponsor generational broadness of life. This broadness of life means the landscape of humanity is the mixture of divine and non-divine components, carrying out their respective assignments in the community of living, with the supervisory order from God. This broadness does not limit human capacities and approaches, but allows the promotion of human faculties within the general provision of divine guidance. This divine guidance becomes the beacon that holds existence in check to love, peace, truth, humility and good service to our collective existence. The gift of God on any human life, whether they believe in God or not, will not stop to serve the good interest of humanity’s expansion, but such inventions by rejection of the source of human gift of life, will bear the cost of not getting the eternal treasure of the crown of Glory at the merciful transition from earthly to the eternal spiritual life or reign with the only true divine God. Even, in existence here, with their inventions but rejection of God, they would not taste of the vital substance in the soul that fills the soul with fulfillment, which is the eternal consciousness of purity or the integrity of the soul built on true love, truth and peace.

Hence, life is not an option, nor the intention to deliberately cut down the soul from expressing the living presence of vision and internal integrity. Rather, life is the giver of living promises, resides in the soul because of the realities of vision and integrity therein. This is exactly what the Holy Scriptures mean when it tells us that God has given us life more abundantly in Christ Jesus. The vision of God is His Glory and His integrity is His Holiness, which were wrapped together to us in righteousness through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is the Bread of Life from Glory…Amen!