Spiritual Poetry on Grace

*Spiritual Poetry*


Woke up, feeling the sharp thrust of the sun rays through the breathing cycle.

Watering in curiosity, challenged the day by asking, what is your name?

The response was silence spoken in alluring tone with harmonious chords.

Suddenly, the sky walked right through the colors of the air, speaking of grace.

Grace, grace, grace was the melodious blare of contentment that filled the space.

The grace was more than feeling but the presence of essence delivered to the earthly veins.

This grace from eternity of Truth woke humankind to the reality of freedom’s reign.

The melody that alters the landscape into the promises of hope.

The hope that feeds the soul with the meals of love and peace.

What is your name again? This time asked with the repetition of gratitude to stay.

The same silence held on with upgrade to concentrated motions of authority.

Then the appearance of Glory covered but absorbed the unique name.

The name…why and to what purpose?

Then the silence spoken became the presence of right.

Relayed in the comfort of excellence and patience.

With the capacity that creates the amazing circulation to the soul for hail.

Then the name answered the call only in justice and reconciliation.

The substance to life never to be withdrawn.

The chosen have chose to choose the children from chains.

Held together by means of the perpetual prevail.

And together located in the same Glory of esteem.

What a day made in the trunk of time!

And brought together in the eminence of shine.

Oh now it became clear, the rays had their thrust made of light.

The light that is the right of life.

The Glory that makes it right, has and will always live through time.

There was actually no silence from the beginning of time.

Only the attention to the merciful right.

Was and is the spoken light.

Who is the giving life, with eternity happy in Glory

Grace, grace, grace in no end of time.

Is the breath of the soul sweetened in life.


*Jesus Christ is Lord*