Is Jesus the son of Joseph?

Jesus is the Son of God, the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. The meaning of begotten is come out from a source but not different or of less value to the same source. That means Jesus Christ begotten of God the Father is not a duplicate of God, but of the same substance and value with God, who is Spirit. That is, God the Father is the real Father of Jesus Christ, though He came out humanly on earth through Mary, who was the mother of Jesus. This blessed woman called Mary, was the wife of Joseph, but was not the biological father of Jesus. By biological that mean, Joseph did not impregnate the virgin Mary (His wife), but the Spirit of God moved into the womb of Mary and the child she gave birth to was Jesus. Therefore, Jesus was born of Mary in flesh, but in real fact, He was of the Holy Spirit. This is the reason His birth is called, Immaculate Conception. That is, Jesus conception (Human form in the womb) was perfect, spotless, holy and without sin from the Spirit of God. Jesus is the only human person, who was born perfect without sin, because He was born of God (Father), though came to earth by birth in flesh through Mary His mother. This is the reason Jesus is more than all other great prophets, philosophers who were all born by human parents (Fathers and mothers) like everyone. However, Joseph was Jesus stepfather, because Joseph and Mary had children between them, who were junior to Jesus and were His stepbrothers, like Jude. The special birth process of Jesus was because of the divine assignment He came to earth to fulfill. That is to save humanity from the spirit of sin and death to Life. Jesus was the Lamb of God, who was to die for the sins of the world and that through His sacrificial death, to pay for the sins of the world by His sinless blood and by His resurrection from the dead, was to reconcile the human soul back to God the Father. This is the whole message of salvation and that was the reason He was born without sin, was crucified without committing any sin and rose bodily from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit in victory to all, who would believe He is Lord and Savior. He gave everlasting peace and victory to all who would believe that Jesus is the Christ, meaning the Messiah or Savior of the world from the power of darkness to Light. Jesus is now alive on the throne of Glory as ONE in God the Father as the Everlasting King over all things in heaven and on earth. He came from God (Begotten) in the Spirit and went back in Glory (Ascension) after completing His love assignment (Fulfilling all prophecies) to humanity by the fullness of the Holy Spirit, who is God. Jesus is alive. Amen.