Book of Ruth (2nd Series)

Spiritual Review on the Book of Ruth. (2nd Series)

Finally, Orpah saw reasons with her mother-in-law and went her way to start her new life. But, Ruth chose to remain with Naomi regardless of the harsh circumstance. When they got back to Bethlehem, it was harvest time. Ruth suggested to her mother in law, for her to go out into the fields and hustle, maybe she might find favor and get something for their living. As things would turned out, unknowingly Ruth found herself working or helping out in the field owned by a kinsman/relative to Naomi’s late husband, whose name was Boaz. He was kind of wealthy. Near to the close of the day, Boaz came to inspect his workers, from a distance he noticed a hardworking lady in their mist. On inquiry, he found out she was the woman, who came back with Naomi from the foreign land. He was very impressed not only with work ethics but more also the story of her good heart towards her mother in law. Therefore, Boaz ordered she should be allowed to harvest as much as she can and freely take them home. Ruth got home with bounties from her hustle and Naomi later realized she had worked that day in Boaz field. She was the more happy because Ruth steps were guided to her late husband family relative. The same period, because of good harvest, Boaz was organizing a small harvest party. Naomi told Ruth to dress up nice, to entice Boaz to sleep with her. She was instructed by Naomi to do this by sleeping at the feet of Boaz after he must have drunk himself to sleep. Traditionally, the good reason for this was to possibly raise up a child or children that would continue her late husband family generation. Ruth faithfully did as she was told and at the middle of the night, Boaz felt something underneath his feet and woke up to realize Ruth was the one under his feet. Immediately, he got the message and was further impressed of Ruth’s faithfulness to the good course of the larger family and for her not playing around with men. Boaz understood and agreed with the intention from Naomi through Ruth. However, Boaz told Ruth there is a family relative closer than he was to her late husband’s family and by tradition, it was his right to bring up child or children for their late brother’s family generation. Boaz then suggested, he would bring up the matter to this closer relative, and whatever happens would depend on his decision. With time, Boaz arranged for a meeting with witnesses and brought the issue of their late brother’s landed properties that needed to be inherited. This closer relative agreed to having the land properties and Boaz now injected the issue of Ruth as part of the whole inheritance. To this end, the closer relative rejected the proposal and in the presence of everyone gave the right to Boaz, who willingly accepted everything because Boaz really loved the way Ruth had conducted herself. This new relationship between Boaz and Ruth was consumed and eventually, she gave birth to Jesse, who became the father of King David, the lineage in flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ. In essence, Ruth was the grandmother of King David. There are different parts to this historical journey but the spiritual revelation carries more weight because it opens up lots of dimensions to the human heart, purpose and our connecting steps to our respective divine goal. These would be highlighted in series III. God bless as our good God has a His perfect plan for everyone. Our main project is alignment to His Spirit.
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