Some benefits of prayer

  1. It helps by protecting us against bad occurrences. (Protection)
  2. It is healthy for the soul and body. (Health)
  3. It opens doors of opportunities to us. (Provisions)
  4. It rightly helps to expose and build up our gifts. (Purpose)
  5. It guides us into freedom, finesse, and order. (Guide)
  6. It makes us humble, respectful, and confident. (Upright)
  7. It expands peace, love, and happiness into us (Growth)
  8. It makes us victors and not the victims. (Winners)
  9. It helps to build relationships with tolerance and kindness. (Relationship)
  10. It gives us higher understanding, knowledge and strength. (Wisdom)
  11. It destroys fear, stress, depression, and attacks of the enemy. (Relief/Comfort)
  12. It makes us more obedient and grateful to God in Christ Jesus. (Trust/Thankful)