Why is worshiping God difficult?

Right at this very moment, NASA (National Aeronautic and Space Administration) has a mechanical robot on Mars named “Perseverance” that is exploring or roving and collating information and samples of that planetary form. They have even made all necessary scientific projections up to 2032 on how to physically bring soil, rocks and other material samples from Mars back to earth for physical examinations in labs. Also, at this very moment, they have sent a robotic object named “Parker” on its way to the sun. The internet has changed lots of ways in the world, bringing about the global economy, high speed communication networks and social communities to name a few. That is, going by the pace of technology, we can comfortably state that what we are witnessing today, are just the tip of the iceberg. Yet, some people were wrongly screaming about the 5G wireless networks connectivity, like they forgot that just at the turn of the 21th century, cell phones were luxury to most people, which had only calls and receive capabilities, until Steve Job and Company; Apple changed the landscape in 2007 with the first smartphone, which today has virtually exposed the world to us on touch screens at our fingertips. The reason for bringing these up is simply to convey that our faith in Christ Jesus should not be used as a wedge against human innovations and technologies because they are helping to reshape the human level of awareness and information to quality of life. That being said, those who are of faith should see these technological advancements as challenge for us to search deeper into the consciousness of truth from God because while these advancements are going on, the human heart is losing grip of itself. This widening gap in the human soul would keep growing farther away from the core essence of the human person because the bitter side of these technologies is that it loosens and shadows the human souls to really connect to the vital ingredients of the soul, which are truth and love from God. Although, they are giving us the ability to walk on the supersonic communication highways by feeding our respective individual pursuits and or cravings, but at the same time they are creating the superficial communities and commitments in humanity that are not based on sanity or virtues to the soul, but merely on whatever goes. That is, the conscience of the human soul is severely battered and kept harmed by these outwardly driven pursuits of the human person advanced by these seemingly good gadgets.
However, in the deep arena of spiritual engagement, where Jesus Christ is our perfect example, He showed to the whole of humankind and into eternity the limitless power of the Divine God in Him over all situations. In the presence of this divine power is also where true compassion and strength from forgiveness are meshed together as one unbreakable essence of the human consciousness, which is the exact message of the gospel of Christ Jesus, and in Biblical terms is called Salvation. The beauty of technology and the broadening of human awareness and information can only provide utilities for human convenience, but can never provide the vital resources to the fulfillment of the human soul. The reason being that consciousness is not a commodity that can be adjusted and filtered through the mechanisms of human tools. Nor is the human consciousness a product that needs alterations and recreated from human intelligence. Yes, human intelligence, intuitions and visions can be acquired, developed and born with. However, all human intelligence, intuitions and visions are products of the human consciousness. The consciousness here is not that of enlightenment but of the essence of life and all creations. The unseen but essential part of human life and creation. This essential component of life is solely in the arena of the rebirth of life from the Divine God in Christ Jesus. This essential part of life has almost been replaced or lost its dear value with the tools of technology created by humans. This is primarily the root of the human crisis in the hearts of people today and even before now. This is also having a direct effect on how people see God in their lives, which makes serving God difficult. The difficulty in serving God is not really an issue with those who do not believe. To stand on the truth of God with no apology to whoever might feel touched. This is because the truth of God is never based on human emotions or feelings but on His objective perfection that breaks taboos and barriers to bringing out the zest of life to the open. The truth of God does not compromise with human standards and convenience because those are breakable, but the truth is not but only builds solidly from inside out or inward upwards. Here is the truth of God concerning our issue of discussion. The real difficulty with serving God comes from the way those of us that believe in Him are conducting ourselves in the presence of others or the world. The power of the Gospel should not be on the beauty of our motivational sermons likened to clinical psychological pills and compromising attitudes, which in the Book of Revelation our Lord refers to as neither cold nor hot. Rather, the power of the Gospel should be more in going deeper and deeper into the unsearchable riches of Christ Jesus in true fellowship in His Spirit by moving the diabolical agenda away from the souls of people. The power of the Gospel is to silently or without noise to stand side by side with God in our hearts to His righteousness with the resolute, steadfast or unwavering formation that flows from His Throne by breaking down every stronghold in us and through us pushing His goodwill to the atmosphere of our living. The Spirit of His Truth in us must not and should not compromise with the spirit of error in any shape or form because they are not compatible and are from two masters. One is the highest level of warmth and purity of vision in life, while the other is an abuse of dignity and fairness. With due respect, let us make this clear. In the deep spiritual motions of the Spirit of truth, this Truth sees science as a younger brother or sister, who should receive guidance through prayers and other spiritual applications to recognize that the gift of their innovations comes from the Aggregate Consciousness of Purity (God), which they somehow, have turned their backs against, just as the minds of people are being filtered away from serving God.
Here is the message. Serving God is not difficult and is the most pleasant place any soul can find itself. The critical issue is the priority we have towards Him and serving Him. To most of us, the pull of our human endeavors and pursuits are too demanding that gives us little window to spend quality time with Him in fellowship. To some, it is even better to give out this personal responsibility for others to help shoulder for them. However, some or few do believe, the call to duty in life must start with serving Him first before any other thing. Hence, the service to God is actually not difficult but depends on the place in our priority list He is scheduled on. Here again, this is not the fault of most people because we are mostly carried away with what we see and touch. We are mostly drawn to the beauty of “gold or diamonds” of life and with less attraction to the beauty of holiness or purity of the soul. Why? The “gold or diamonds” we see are good and can feed our human taste and status, but the purity we neglect is actually the purest gold in the human soul that gives us access to making the “gold or diamonds” to work orderly for us and the society at large. Where are the billboards on our streets encouraging people to engage in fellowship with God in Christ Jesus? Why are we ashamed to put our Bibles out and even study openly for the world to recognize the virtues of love and forgiveness of the soul being gifted to humanity freely by Christ Jesus? Where are the messages of spiritual revival in the world that would transform our societies and young ones to embrace the best we all deserve in connecting to the virtues and life of the conscience that streams freely from God in Christ Jesus? The list is almost endless, but instead God is looking at us and saying to Himself, why are My tools given to His own or humankind to use in making the world a better place for good conscience being left unattended, but observing that we are mostly preoccupied with our inner human treasures, rather than the treasures of His Kingdom. Meanwhile, the dragons of the demonic world are busy relentlessly using all devices and means to champion their vices on the world. Thus, those with the power to change this course must wake up to the call of duty with the Word of God and by His Spirit of Victory in Christ Jesus. We need Christian billionaires, astute business personalities, honest and visionary political leaders, literary giants, among the best scientists, high-tech innovators and whatever fields we are into, also striving to be the best in our sphere of influence regardless of the hurdles in front of us. The Glory of God might be said and understood ordinarily, but with truth as the lubricant in the soul of humankind is the greatest, not comparable to any human invention to all eternity. This is the grandness of order, peace, love, harmony, power, innovations, and all valued pursuit for excellence. This recognition in the soul makes worship not difficult but becomes a pleasurable venture into our true being and full disclosure to our happiness in life.
Thank God for His mercies that endures forever in Jesus’ mighty name…Amen!