God is the Supreme Living Consciousness of Purity. That is, His absolute Purity makes Him perfect Love, Truth and Life. He is the All knowing, Eternal Consciousness (Everlasting Presence) with infinite Power over all things. He reigns with unmatched understanding and ideal rules because in Him is the presence of accuracy or reality that brings existence both in physical and spiritual.
Therefore, when the Holy Scriptures alert or inform us to fear God, the spiritual message such passages are actually saying is to reverence, honor, adore, give utmost respect or regard to His Glorious Name and Majesty. That is, we are not to be frightful or scared of God, when we believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. This is because He is Love and there is no element of fear in Love. His Spirit of Glory, who dwells in us as His own (Children) has no element of fear but of power and sound mind, meaning His righteousness. The relationship with our Heavenly Father is based on love, truth and peace, not fear that brings bondage, oppression, and yokes or shackles of darkness. He has given us eternal life by grace through salvation, and His life in us is built on love by the resurrection life of Christ Jesus. Even when we make mistakes against His will in our daily activities, all we need to do is to truly ask for His forgiveness in the name of Christ Jesus, who is our advocate and that the Holy Spirit should guide and strengthen us to move or act according to His will. We do not need to ask for forgiveness through any priest because no priest died for our sins, only Jesus Christ did, as our mediator or intermediary between humankind and God the Father forever. He is ever faithful and true, who would always forgive us and continue to guide us on His ways because He understands how the spirit of error is very vicious and looking for ways to undermine the truth of God in humankind. Wherefore, He is Love and He dwells in us in love, we must learn to forgive ourselves and move on by staying on His right path, asking the Holy Spirit to use the mistakes as stepping stones or ladders for our spiritual growth to the glory of God on the Throne.
Religion portrays the fear or fright of God as a standard for good faith. Religion wants to show on the outside that faith in God requires us to be priestly structured in rigid and ritualistic or ceremonial approach to serve Him. However, true spirituality in Christ Jesus tells us, we are of the same Spirit and nature with Him, though not equal with Him. True spirituality in Christ Jesus sees and worships God in the realm of His truth and in His relationship with us in love. True spirituality in Christ Jesus is totally against the spirit of error and not necessarily on the pitfalls of the human person because of the broad understanding or insight the Spirit of God gives to those who lean on His Spirit knowing that the real enemy is spirit. His relationship with us starts in His Spirit and without end in His Spirit because purity or holiness is the power of endless life in His Love. Fear is corrupt, vicious, dirty, demonic, and destroys the purity of the soul. Fear makes us answerable to our limitations, while the love of God in our hearts gives us the full breath of possibilities and brightest into life’s vision and vigor. This is the reason the gospel of Christ Jesus is not religion but the free gift of eternal life in love that is fulfilled in Glory. The gospel of Christ Jesus is the gift of true freedom to live in the love of God, who is Spirit and life. The Holy Scriptures tell us that in the presence of God, there is fullness of joy and pleasures (Blessings) forever. The message the passage is conveying to us is the spiritual insight of what love really means. That is, when the love of God dominates our hearts, we are strengthened or courageous to stand tall against all odds because the consciousness of victory is our inheritance not by sheer mistake or chance constructed by any human mind, but is our right in Christ Jesus birthed from His Glory. When God is looking at each and everyone of us, who submits to His gift of Love through salvation, He sees the carriers of His love, truth and peace, and in return, His Spirit in the name of Christ Jesus would direct us to honor and adore Him not in any dreadful manner. Love makes our fellowship, worship and praises to Him powerful and real because they are filled with His righteousness or truth. Fear or frightfulness of God makes our relationship and prayers hopeless and unreal because they come from the wrong place and not in His Spirit and truth. Therefore, with His love in our thoughts and actions, He treats us with such care and diligence or purposefulness knowing that we are stretching ourselves out as vessels of His love or light to the world. The love of God is the light to the world. Hence, those who share in this privilege in the name of Christ Jesus do not and should not see or take themselves as people outside the rail of God’s domain, nor victims of circumstance, rather they should always treat themselves with such dignity and respect because they are of the royal lineage of the divine God.
Although, this privilege comes with its own responsibility, where the Holy Scriptures tells us that the love of God constrains us. That is, the love of God in us makes us accountable in words and actions to Him. The love of God in us makes us to always promote or represent the good intentions of our relationship with Him and not to engage in actions that would disrespect and insult the Glory of God in the name of Christ Jesus. With the dominance of God’s love is us, He would always pull us into the best place, for the best result, to the best responsibility to Him, to ourselves, to our loved ones, and with others in love. Thus, any relationship that is based on fear or terror, frenzy or distress in any form is an abusive, derogatory and unjust relationship, and is exactly the kind of relationship those that submit to the spirit and power of the adversary have bought on themselves. The reason we find such relationships are filled with vanity, emptiness, callousness, arrogance, scorn, and the willful intent to destroy the character and life of others.
God is Love and His love in us brings peace that is above human understanding. The peace that promotes inner stability, confidence in humility, and comfort knowing that no matter the circumstance, all things will turn out for good to those that believe and love God not fear Him. He is our true Father, whose warm arms are always widely open to cuddle or embrace us. However, we must never abuse or belittle His care or love for us with reckless, broken-down, brush aside, shrug off, and unmindful attention to His Glory in the Spirit of Christ Jesus. This is the line no one should cross because of the consequence to such outright challenge to His Majestic reign. This is because love is not an advocate of craziness and irresponsibility, rather, His love in us is always to broaden, expand or deepen our horizon, capacities, opportunities to the vastness or of the limitless size of His benefits to us in Christ Jesus, only when we are dutifully wired into His Spirit. Respectfully, from the Throne of Glory comes this message…Fear not, only believe and we are made whole or full in the name of Christ Jesus, who is Lord and Anchor to our souls forever…Amen!