Guard your heart with all diligence!

Guard your heart with all diligence!

Thoughts or words are like seeds because they have life inside of them. The human heart is like a field where seeds (Words or thoughts) are planted. It should not be any seed, but good seeds, which is the assurance that they would most likely grow out well. Hence, the message from the verse is for us to make sure the good seeds are sown into the field of our heart. That is, protecting our heart from cancerous thoughts, which only poisons purpose and life in the soul. For example, farmers would tell us that after harvest, they normally store good seeds for planting for the next season. When the next season comes, after planting the good seeds and they start to grow, the farmers do not leave the field to over grow with weeds or into bushes choking out their crops. Instead, they clear around the crops, till the ground where necessary, water the plants or making sure the crops have enough water supply, and other things to keep the farm well cultivated for good harvest. This is what the verse is telling us. That is, to make sure we let the good seeds into the heart and doing all necessary spiritual activities for the seeds to grow well or for good harvest as our reference here, into the human life. We do this by keeping or guarding the center of human activities and life by all means necessary. This center is the heart, not the physical that pumps blood to the body, but the soul that connects and brings the consciousness of life into the body. How do we then follow the examples of the farmers? This we do by first making the decision to allow God and His righteousness through Christ Jesus to dominate our heart. Meaning, to bring all things in subjection to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Thereafter, we should engage in studying the word of God, meditating on the Word, praise and worship in Spirit and other spiritual exercises to keep us well grounded with the promises of God in Christ Jesus. You can take this to the bank…once you make that decision, the enemy will immediately test your decision. However, here is the good news. It is very okay to be tested, but the good part is never to give in or allow that test to dominate or rule us. Once, tested, we must stand our grounds on the word of God because the test is going to make us appreciate our fellowship with God and grow stronger in the mighty name of Christ Jesus.
When God looks at the challenges we are going through in different aspects of life, He is more concerned on our level of commitment from the heart. This is because He has already given us all the answers to human difficulties or mysteries. Thus, it is our heart commitment that directs our focus and actions to digging out our needed solutions from the Spirit of His Glory. Commitment to His Spirit! This is the spiritual and unbreakable bridge into His Presence in the name of Christ Jesus.
Remain blessed in Jesus name.