Spiritual Review on Psalm 34:8-11,15,17-19,21-22

We could read the passage and may hardly take notice of the words, “come and hearken” because they appear ordinary in the scheme of things and to an extent, we could faintly assume they were just additions to complete the message God is conveying to us in His words. However, with clear and deep insight into Heavenly engagement found on God’s spiritual truth, it shows that they (Come and hearken) are actually the pillars holding up the whole blessings bestowed on the righteous from the passage. The transparent truth for us to “come” is the invitation to an open and warm relationship with God, and in addition to this blessing, God is sincerely channeling our hearts to dutifully nurture this fellowship by telling us to “hearken,” which means to listen, trust and honestly follow His instructions or guide in our lives and endeavors. In essence, developing our relationship or fellowship with God and guided by His Spirit are more than what we can ever express in words. These are what gives life real meaning because every thing in human existence flows from these pillars made by God for us to stand on. That is, our proactive relationship with God and submission to His faithfulness are actually the life to the human soul. The human soul is strong, healthful, living, wealthy, happy and selflessly shares love when the soul is filled with the fullness of God’s presence. Just some puzzles! How do we taste and see the goodness of God in our lives?
How is God going to teach us His ways and life? How and who makes us righteous? How is God going to be near unto us? How is the power of God going to slay those wicked souls, who are fighting against the righteous of God in us? How are we going to be the conquerors over diabolical strongholds? The list is on and on if we are to continue. However, the provision of His grace to us here is directly connected to those questions we have just asked ourselves. This connection reveals and truthfully leads us to the great glory and power of our Divine God Almighty. King David tells us in the book of Psalm that one thing uppermost in his heart is to seek after the Lord all the days of his life, to dwell in the house of the Lord, beholding the beauty of the Lord (Come to His Glory) and to enquire in His temple, meaning hearken, or listening, learning, trusting and following the Lord’s lead. Beloved brethren, once this is harmoniously settled in any human soul in Spirit and truth in Christ Jesus, the path to victory in nobility is already ordained, but the thorns or vicious attacks, distractions and other schemes of the disgraced impostor will resume its shameful call. Nevertheless, the good news (Gospel) is that God’s grace is more than sufficient in Jesus Mighty name by the power of the Holy Spirit. That is, keep keeping on in Christ Jesus, even when we fail, make mistakes or fall, never stay idle or dormant. God knows the struggles and has already given us the answer in Christ Jesus. This means, no child of God should ever give up or surrender because the power of God in us is greater and above all things. This is the reason we are called soldiers of Christ. Don’t run away from the battle. There’s no soft touch in this battle. Take hold of the Word into your soul and that Word will transform into the Spirit of Grace. Without faith in His power is impossible to please God. Our job is to keep recharging our relationship with God and following His Spirit as our ultimate Guardian. Jesus is alive as Lord over all things forever. Amen!
Thank You Holy Spirit.