What is spiritual revelation?

Spiritual revelation or simply revelation is the special gift from God the Father through His divine Spirit to His own (chosen ones/vessels) to observe and receive divine information of event or subject(s) past, present and or that is to come.

It is the guide into the distinctive picture or position of God to certain issues or arrangements, either for individual purpose or to a group of people.
The English definition of revelation simply means disclosure, exposure, leak, eye-opener, discovery, release and so forth.

Accordingly, it is the quality insight or information from the realm of the Spirit to some through divine favor and placement. For example, if you believe in your heart that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), this is the revelation of the blessings and love of God to you. Not everyone receives this despite the fact that Christ Jesus and the work of salvation is for the whole world. This is the universal revelation of the love of God to humanity through the work of salvation by Christ Jesus.

Another good example is Apostle Paul, who received great revelations from the Spirit of God into the deep spiritual understandings of the gospel of Christ Jesus. The result was the transformation of Apostle Paul himself into a new being, by living and expressing the resurrection life of Christ Jesus for others around him to see and uplifted the world for the better. With these true and powerful revelations through the Apostle expressed also in writings, the whole world got the resounding vision of Christ Jesus. He expounded the divine message of salvation from God to humanity, beyond the walls of tradition of the Jewish community to the whole world in newness of life. He gave the world the true insight of the love of God to the human soul and the corresponding inheritance this noble relationship brings into the human heart through the person of the Holy Spirit in the name of Christ Jesus.

The distinction of the spiritual revelations he received were not because of his physical presence with Christ Jesus. This was not the case, but the revelations solely came from the divine throne of God expressed by the Holy Spirit into the inner consciousness of Apostle Paul. Hence, his in-depth understanding of the person and purpose of Christ Jesus were expressed in simplicity and glaring honesty.

Therefore, spiritual revelations are special information from the throne of God into the human heart for enlightenment, improved relationship and help others on godly path. The Spirit of the living God normally transmits spiritual revelation, because such information is best known and communicated by God, who is Spirit.

The characteristics within spiritual revelation are power, love, truth, peace, wisdom, happiness, clear vision, and progress among others good virtues. These few listed characteristics are what differentiate true revelation from God with other assumed spiritual outlets. This is because, any revelation from the Spirit of Truth that tells you to behave disorderly, to disrespect others, abuse your body, always swear wrongly, violate the properties and presence of others, and many more like these aforementioned are not real revelation. Even, when people assume they were led by an invisible or higher inspiration in doing what they were fascinated with .

These kinds of spiritual stimulations or rituals, which do not direct us to good service in ourselves, to our neighbors, and finally, not to exhibit the kindness of God to our environment; are deceitful maneuvers that keep the minds of people in bondage. These kinds of messages are tendencies of deceit leading to the destruction of such person
True spiritual revelation comes from truth and always leads us on the part of truth, excellence, and fairness. These kinds of virtues will always expose dark or wicked tendencies and gives the solution or guide us to true freedom with peace and happiness in the soul. The mistake some people make is that when they do things their way, which is not of God; they believe it is their right or freedom of expression. To those with this kind of thought, this is the message of Jesus to you.

God loves you, and nothing will ever diminish His love to all. The major difference between been led by the Holy Spirit or of Christ with other spiritual exercise called religion is this; the Spirit of Christ is the only revelation that has no link, no excuse and finally no association with the spirits of the dark. They are directly opposite. Others forms of ritualistic practices or worships are in compromise with the spirit of error. However, in Christ Jesus, the divide is absolute with His authority above all.

Religion or other forms of spiritual practices gives you stimulated satisfaction that fades with time. Christ Jesus gives us true-life fulfillment that last forever. Christianity is not religion, but life of the only true divine God in human souls and bodies. Christianity is the only spiritual life on one side and all other spiritual stimulants on the other side of compromise.
Therefore, spiritual revelation is the privilege to remain in the sustaining prosperity of God’s victory and care. This is the true God, who is expressed through Christ Jesus. This is the Truth, who gives humanity the true liberty over all things into eternity. This is the revelation of true love expressed to humanity through the Spirit of Christ Jesus forever. Hence, the essence of spiritual revelation is to guide and keep us in the presence of protection, provisions, and peace. The driving force behind spiritual revelation from God to any individual is to spread the goodness of His throne with such insights that puts us as victors and not victims. That makes us the leading light in our different spheres of endeavors and not back benchers, and finally, is to nurture our coming generations on the path of sustained blessings with the honor and gratitude given to the Creator, who is God the Father.

“Christianity is spiritual experience, not ritual exercise”