What is Prophecy?

Prophecies or prophetic expressions are purely spiritual messages, information, and communications with excellent insight of present or future event. Prophecy is the spiritual translation of an incident that is happening or going to happen in physical existence. Further, prophecy is foretelling, forecasting or predicting of spiritual event that would have significant impact on the physical world. The Holy Bible declares that; “the prophecy of the scripture is not of private interpretation. The prophecy came in the old times not by the will of man, but holy men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” The key phrase from the above statement is that “they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” Put in another expression, as the Holy Ghost gave them things of the Spirit realm or of the divine God, these vessels of God (Prophets) spoke or wrote those events down for human study and understanding. The reason for this is that insights into divine activities are not by human efforts but of the Spirit of God. Therefore, to receive an inside information of any kind into the higher (Spiritual) realm is privilege, which should be well respected by all. For purposes of emphasis, prophecies are divine activities or information revealed to human vessels by whom the Holy Spirit choses to use for the respective prophetic mission. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and the truth that flows from Him through human vessels are authentic and bound to happen. This is what makes prophetic expressions, insight, or revelations different from normal expressions of men or from the empty power of the dark. Ultimately, the Spirit of Truth is the One that gives and transmit all godly prophecies. All prophecies from the divine God are always confirmed either by the manifestation of the event or by another prophetic expression. The two main reasons for this is that these prophecies are coming from the same source (God), despite through different human vessels, and mostly at different times. Secondly, the power of truth that flows from the source of truth (God/Spirit) is guaranteed and agreeable with peace and love. For example, all prophecies of the Holy Bible, from the book of Genesis to Revelation are all pointing to one prophetic mission of Salvation and the glorious life eternal from the divine God to humanity through the person of Christ Jesus. This is the main qualification or canonicity (Spiritual relevance) of the books of the Holy Scripture, because they are all confirmation of the redeeming quality of the human spirit through the Messiah, who is Christ Jesus. That is the reason some books even with their powerful historical background are not included with the books in the Holy Bible, because they have no connecting spiritual revelation to the Messiah. Jesus Himself never wrote any of the books in the Holy Bible, because His assignment in all the prophetic dispensations was much higher. That is, receiving and writing down spiritual instructions from God is powerful and deserves due respect by all. However, going by Jesus living testimony, the perfection of righteousness or faultlessly living in flesh of all the prophecies by the fullness of the Holy Spirit is the key to pleasing God. Therefore, Jesus Christ was the perfect evidence or confirmation of all the prophecies from God to humankind forever. He is the bridge between God and man, and in His name is the release of the seal, who is the Holy Spirit to humanity forever. In very simple language, Jesus came to the world to show, reveal, manifest and confirm the spotless evidence of those prophecies from the divine realm, with His accomplishment of life over death, of His perfect love over hate and finally of His divine truth from the very throne of Glory over the spirit of error and its negative cohorts. That is, love, truth, peace, holiness, and obedience to God among other virtues, were no longer laws written on scrolls and parchments for humankind to follow, but through Christ Jesus the prophecies became living reality deposited into human souls by the Spirit of God. Jesus Christ transformed those messages and letters of great prophetic relevance by giving them life from spiritual to physical presence. It was longer the saying, but the doing of the laws of God in Spirit and truth. With His noble act on behalf of humankind, freedom and hope in the human soul became the celebration of true victory from the shackles of sin and death. The glorious life of Christ became the reign in us. The word of God is the only path for humanity to true freedom, peace, blessings, and the valid relationship with the divine God. That is, when Jesus said, “this day is the scripture fulfilled in your eyes.” His statement was the complete personification or characterization of all the prophecies of the Holy Scripture in Him. This means, all the prophecies from Genesis to Revelations were all about God expressing His fullness to humanity through the person of Christ Jesus. That is, the provision of freedom from spiritual bondage into peace, truth, and love is by the Christ Jesus the Divine. Finally, all true prophecies always connect humankind into the dispensation of reality and victory of God by Christ Jesus, who is the gap filler, the bridge between the spiritual and physical realms in one Body of holiness. Therefore, the above statement by Jesus was the perfect confirmation of the Holy Bible or the prophecies of the Holy Scripture are true, irreversible, concrete, and would sustain anyone who relies on the word of God for total wellness, true wealth and guaranteed purpose in life. The confirmation of Jesus as stated above is the guarantee or the redeemable collateral of the Holy Scripture as the word of God and inspired by the Holy Spirit through human vessels.