Can we pray to the Holy Spirit?

The answer is simply… yes we can pray to the Holy Spirit, through the Holy Spirit and from the Holy Spirit. Again, let us take away religion and theology from our understanding and see things from the perspective of the divine throne, meaning the spiritual realm of God. That is, we can pray to the Holy Spirit, pray in or through the Holy Spirit and been led in prayers by or from the Holy Spirit. However, our prayers must be in the name of Christ Jesus to the glory of the Godhead or God the Father. If we may reiterate, the Holy Spirit and God the Father are One inseparable Divine entity. In our human mind, we thinks that the Holy Spirit is a differently personality from God the Father as third Person of the Trinity (Trinitarian doctrine). Just because, we equate the Holy Spirit to be the third person of the Godhead. That is three in unity, who is Trinity (Tri-unity). This does not negate the fact that He is the same and one as God the Father (Oneness doctrine). This is because, on the Divine Throne in Heaven, we do not have three thrones in one, but one throne only. That is the manifestation of the Glorious reign of one indivisible God. Another, confusion is that because, we are not close with the Holy Spirit does not mean He is different or outside the reign of power in Heaven. As fact, the Holy Spirit is the seat of authority in Heaven. Whenever, we pray to God the Father in our usual manner, we are actually praying in the Holy Spirit, who is the divine presence of God. Without our prayers been in the Spirit of God, then the exercise is futile. Any prayer session that does not express the divine truth of God in our hearts, which glorifies the heavenly throne, then the prayer session in meaningless. The reason for this is that God sees our hearts even before we come to Him in prayer by His Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth, who is Love, we Christians call God. Therefore, the only connection to Him in the spiritual must be in His Spirit and with the pureness of our hearts to Him. The pureness of our hearts simply means our prayers must be sincere and directed to magnify His Holy name or throne. We would get the result here and enjoy the benefits, but the praises and adoration is to His divine glory as expressed in, through and from His Spirit, who is Holy. The gulf between the purity of the Holy Spirit of God and characters of dirt or pollution in the human heart is unbridgeable. That means our prayers must meet the standard of God in Spirit and truth. That is, our prayers must be in the Spirit, from the Spirit, and through the Spirit in the Holy nsme of Christ Jesus.

The reason for this is quite clear. Salvation was an assignment from the throne of God to come to the level of man in the fullness of His (God) personality, power and Spirit and then to bring man back to the level of God. That glorious functional activity was what made by Jesus , who was the perfect One to align Himself with man even when He was of the level of God, so as to connect the Spirit of God in Him with man. At the center of this glorious functional activity, Jesus as God was reduced not in divine personality, but on divine estimation He took on flesh that was under the Spirit, thereby came under the authority of the divine throne on earth to perfect the purpose of the Divine throne of Heaven for humanity. Without this spiritual demonstration of love from God to humanity, the soul of the human heart would have rot in decay and slavery to the adversary of humanity and God. Salvation to humanity by the decision and action of God the Father was on the person of Christ Jesus (Savor), carried out or established through the Holy Spirit, , and then released to humanity from the Holy Spirit, who is God. We call them by different names here on earth, but in the heavenly reign of God, they are one indivisible and perfect unity in power, greatness, and triumphant Majesty. On the seat of Glory in Heaven, there are no three seats represented by the three personalities of the Godhead, but One. Hence, whenever we pray to the Holy Spirit, the same God the Father moves on our befall by Himself, who is Spirit of Truth.