Are Roman Catholics Christians?

Wow! What is this person trying to say, someone just questioned? That is, if Roman Catholics are Christians? What are they then? Moreover, what purpose does it serve in bringing up questions about their faith orientation, by asking if they are Christians?

Well, this was how the topic came about. When you generally ask people, if they are Christians or what is their faith? In most cases, they would say, oh no, I am Catholic, or Baptist, some would even say, I am Pentecostal or mention the denomination where they worship like Christ Apostolic “something” Church.

These answers simply show that most people do not have good grasp of the Christian faith, and go about with half-baked understanding of the gospel of Christ Jesus
With sincere humility, the purpose of this website is to help people understand God deeper and better with His divine order to humanity.

That is, to help reshape the basic understanding of the Christian faith according to the true spiritual revelation of Christ Jesus to humankind. In doing that, we are making it very simple and pleasurable to appreciate and follow without diluting the spiritual generosity of God to humanity, which is embodied in the work of Salvation.

Therefore, we would address the issue in focus with the higher level of spiritual revelation. That is, whether you are Roman Catholic Church member, Anglican Church member, Methodist, Charismatic, Episcopal, Baptist, Pentecostal, and other denominations, you are a Christian first, before your denominational affiliation.

This is because as Christians under different denominations, we all believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We absolutely accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah or Savior of the world from the principle of sin and death to life. We believe in His sinless birth, sacrificial death on the Cross of Calvary, His bodily resurrection from the dead to life and finally, His ascension to heaven in glory as King Eternal and Lord of lords.

We believe Jesus is the Son of God and He was from God the Father in heaven with the divine promise of eternal life to humanity.

Hence, all Christians are of the Catholic Church, which is the same as the Universal Church. The Universal or Catholic Church means the spiritual body of Christ Jesus (Believers) here on earth. The body of Christ Jesus is the individual believer. However, the collection of these individuals to a physical location for worship is called assembly of Christians (Believers), which is wrongly interpreted to mean the Church. Therefore, all Christians are Catholic. This means, part of the body of Christ, but not all Christians are of the Roman Catholic denomination or Church.
There is only one body of Christ, which is the Church here on earth and not two or more. However, there are different denominations (parts), but all in one body, the Church and Christ Jesus is the head.

Catholic simply means universal, general and all embracing body.

Christ Jesus is the foundation of the Universal/Catholic Church; He is the “Rock” and not Peter, because the power and sustenance of the gospel of Salvation is not on any man’s effort, but on the sinless blood and resurrection to life of Christ Jesus bodily from the dead.
Peter was mandated by Christ Jesus to lead His Church (Flock) after His ascension to heaven and the Church was not built on him (Peter), but on the Spirit of Christ Jesus.
The day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost came upon Christ disciples including Peter and they spoke out boldly of Jesus is alive as Lord of glory signifies the beginning of the Church of Christ on earth.

That episode of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Christ disciples was the official birth of Christianity, which is the Church of Christ, known as the Universal/Catholic Church on earth.
The main difference between the Roman Catholics denomination and others is that, the Roman Catholic Church accepts some books into their doctrinal practices and teachings such books as Maccabees, Esdras, Tobias, Judith and Baruch to mention few. These 13 books, which are included in the Old Testament of the Roman Catholic Bible version, are termed Apocrypha. This is because; they mostly represent events in the traditional Jewish history.

Message—“Hope is tangible. All her warm arms are in Christ Jesus”

Similarly, these 13 Books are in the Eastern Orthodox Church Bible. As fact, the Eastern Orthodox Church is directly traceable to the Apostles of Christ Jesus and credited as the oldest Church (Body of Christ). This is because, it was the early assembly of saints, referred to as Church after the ascension of Christ Jesus.

It was from this early Church the Roman Catholic Church, broke away from due in part to the rise and influence of the Roman Empire and fall of the Greek empire with her civilization. Thereafter, as Latin became the official language of the world and the city of Rome became the political and commercial center of the then new world, so the influence of the Church in Rome grew.
Thereafter, the Church in Rome and her Bishop (Overseer) gained exponential prominence because of these historic events in Rome, where the Church and others were located. Later, the Bishop of the Church in Rome separated itself from the authority of the Eastern Orthodox Church, though maintained most of her doctrinal beliefs.

The Church is Rome was after rename the Roman Catholic Church, and grew tremendously in followers with the Bishop named the Pope (Holy See).

However, the contention whether the books accepted by the Roman Catholic Church are canonical, that is spiritually valid or not are based on these two simple questions.

The divine relevance of Christ Jesus to humanity, is it structured to the historical or traditional institutions of men or God? That is, the commitment of God to the freedom of all human spirit, soul on earth through His absolute love principle expressed by His beloved, holy, and chosen vessel in Christ Jesus, is it based on logical perceptions of the human mind or the divine promise (Salvation) through the fullness of the Holy Spirit in the Anointed One?

If it is on the promise of God (Righteousness/Salvation), then much of the traditional ordinances are more of human reflections and not spiritual direction of God through His beloved Son; Christ Jesus. However, the Roman Catholic denomination very much agrees with the supernatural arrangement of God by Christ Jesus over all things on earth. Nevertheless, they are of the practice of blending the spiritual content with traditional or cultural nationalism into the gospel of Christ Jesus the Messiah.

Christianity has no human tradition, neither human trace, but is the expression of godly values by the Spirit of Christ through obedient human vessels. Therefore, human traditions must not over burden the spiritual content of the Gospel, only in such cases where the traditional components are subject to and used in enhancing the values of Christ Jesus to others in love.
Example is to preach the Gospel in unconventional or hostile places. To make meaningful impact, one must first observe and adapt into that environment without compromising your core values in Christ, and then use the cultural opportunities to win them to Christ Jesus.

Again, this doctrinal divide arose after the ascension of Jesus Christ, when the 12 Apostles (except for Philips and Thomas) primarily committed their service to the Jewish community and later Paul to the outside world. The divide is mainly traditional laws mixed with the spiritual revelation of Christ.

Despite the slight differences in approach, the Roman Catholic Church is credited for her great contributions to human freedom and service through countless spiritual and social activities in the world

The great and absolute content of salvation is for humanity to live in the good provisions of God in peace, love, excellence and freedom forever. That is, everyone from China to Chile, from Iceland to Australia, from Saudi Arabia to South Africa, from New York to Uganda and to all nations of the world. There is no exception.
Theology supports Christ Jesus halfway, but not to His full spiritual substance. The complete essence of Christ Jesus comes directly from total reliance on the Holy Spirit and not academic dissertations.

Again, with all respect, the Roman Catholic Church abides fully with the teachings and leading of the Holy Spirit as Christians. They share the love of Christ Jesus with all enthusiasm, but needs to do the service of Christ Jesus more on spiritual revelation, and less on traditional ordinances.
Christ did not give us religion He gave us life. That is, the very eternal life of the divine God through His Spirit.

Message “All Christians are born from greatness into greatness. Enlightening is the access”